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Network and Computer System Administrators

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Careers in network and computer systems administration are thriving, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projecting 6% job growth for network and computer systems administrators by 2026. While their job descriptions may be similar, there are significant differences between them. These include certification paths and daily responsibilities. This will allow you to make the best career decision. Below is a brief overview about the differences between these two roles and the career paths they lead.

Perspectives on the job

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the number of computer and network administrators will increase by 20% between 2026 and 2026. The growing use of cloud services could increase the need for computer system administrators. Additionally, network administrators could be more in demand because of the increased use mobile devices in business. The job outlook for this position looks positive, but the best candidates will have a bachelor’s degree in computer networks and systems administration, computing science or another related field. In order to keep up-to date with technology, network administrators must be well-informed.

Administrators need to keep up with technological advances in computer systems and networks. Employers will prefer candidates who have specific certifications in addition to a bachelor's. This includes Novell Certified Network Administrator and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. CompTIA Network+, Sun Certified Network Administrator, and A+ can be added to these certifications.


An administrator of Network & Computer systems can earn between $56,222 and $111,613 per annum. While the median salary is $68,448 per year, the middle 50% earns between $64,548 and $67,932. The highest earners make more than $111613. The average Network & Computer system administrator earns approximately $64,326 per annum. This income is equivalent to $2,680 per paycheck for someone in the middle tax bracket.

There were approximately 67.500 computer and network administrators nationwide in 2014. This is more than the national median, with California having the highest number, 39,050 network managers. The state of Maryland was the least likely to have a network administrator job market, but has some of the highest salaries. The national average salary for Network System Administrators is $88,410, while Texas network administrators earn $35,830.

Education requirements

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For network administrators and information system administrators, a bachelor's degree is required. This could be in any field, such as computer science, information technology, or a closely related subject. Certain positions may require a certificate, professional certification, or associate's level. Many computer systems administrators must also complete manufacturer certification programs. Many employers require computer systems administrators to have specialized skills and knowledge in addition to a bachelor’s degree.

In addition to technical expertise, network and computer system administrators need to be able to communicate with people who do not understand the nuances of the complexities of computer networks. Multitasking is also a requirement. Many tasks can be done simultaneously. In addition, network and computer system administrators must be able to quickly troubleshoot and solve problems arising from various hardware and software. This is why education is so important for the profession's growth and competitiveness.

Chances for advancement

System administrators are in high demand. They maintain company servers and deal with crashes. They have good career security and a high pay. This fast-paced job often provides opportunities for advancement. These are some of the benefits to being a systems administrator. Let's examine some of the most important perks. It can be very rewarding to work as a network administrator or computer system administrator. Here are some reasons to consider becoming a computer system administrator.

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It is similar to the education requirements of network and computer administrator. Bachelor's degrees are typically required for this position. Candidates can also specialize in cybersecurity, database administration, or programming. A degree in computer programming is not required. However, understanding cause and effect sequences and programming are helpful. System administrators must be able anticipate customer needs and assess system behavior under different conditions.

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What will be the future trends in cybersecurity technology?

The security industry continues to evolve at an extraordinary rate. New technologies are constantly being created, while old ones get updated and become obsolete. The threats we are facing also constantly change. Whether you're looking for a broad overview of what's happening today or want to dive deep into the latest developments, our experts have you covered.

This site has everything you could need

  • Check out the most recent news regarding new vulnerabilities or attacks
  • Solutions that work best for the latest threats
  • How to stay ahead of the curve

There are many things that you can look forward too in the future. It is impossible to know what lies ahead. We can only plan for what lies ahead and hope that luck will prevail.

If you want to see the future, you can read the headlines. According to them, hackers and viruses are not the greatest threats. Instead, it's governments.

Everywhere you look, governments all over the world try to spy on citizens. They use advanced technology such as AI to monitor online activity and track people’s movements. They gather data about everyone they encounter to create detailed profiles of people and groups. They don't believe privacy is important because they view it as a threat to national security.

The power is being used by the government to target particular individuals. Some experts believe the National Security Agency already has used its powers in order to influence elections in France or Germany. We don't yet know whether the NSA was deliberately targeting these countries or not, but it certainly makes sense when you think about it. You must make sure they don't stand between you and your goal to control the people.

This isn't an imaginary scenario. History has shown us that dictatorships are known to hack phones and steal data from their opponents. There seems to be no limit to the extent that governments can do to maintain control over their subjects.

Of course, even if you aren't worried about surveillance on a government level, you might still be concerned about corporate spying. There's no evidence that big businesses may be tracking your every move online. For example, Facebook tracks your browsing history regardless of whether you've given permission or not. And while Google claims it doesn't sell your data to advertisers, there's no proof of that either.

You need to be concerned about what can happen when governments get involved. However, you should also consider how to protect your self when dealing with corporations. You should learn cybersecurity if you plan to work in IT. You could prevent companies accessing sensitive information. Your employees could learn how to spot potential scams and other forms.

Cybercrime is, in short, one of the most pressing problems facing our society today. Cybercriminals, hackers and criminals work together constantly to steal your personal details and compromise your computer systems. There are always solutions. You just need to know where to look.

Is IT possible to learn online?

Yes, absolutely! Many sites offer online courses. These online courses usually last one week or less, and are different from regular college classes.

You can adapt the program to fit your schedule. It's usually possible to complete the entire program in just a few weeks.

You can even take the course with you while traveling. Access to the internet and a laptop/tablet PC are all you need.

There are two main reasons why students decide to take online courses. First, students who work full-time want to continue their education. Secondly, so many options are available now that it's almost impossible to choose which subject to study.

What should I consider when choosing a cybersecurity course?

There are many different types of courses in cyber security, from short courses all the way to full-time programs. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right one. These are some ideas to consider:

  • What level of certification are you interested in? Some courses give certificates upon successful completion. Others award diplomas or degrees. While certificates are easier to get, diplomas and degrees are more valuable.
  • How many months/weeks do you have to complete the course. Most courses run for around 6-12 weeks, although some are longer.
  • Do you prefer face-to-face interaction or distance learning? While face-to-face classes are great for meeting other students, they can also be costly. Distance learning allows you to work at your own pace and save money by avoiding travel costs.
  • Are you looking for career changes or a refresher? Some career changers may not have the time or desire to change their job. Others might find that a quick course will suffice to refresh and improve their skills. Others may need to refresh their skills before they apply for a new position.
  • Is the course accredited Accreditation assures that a course's reliability and credibility. Accreditation also ensures that you don't waste time or money on courses that don't deliver what you want.
  • Do the internships or placements part of the course? Internships will allow you to use the information you have gained in class and gain practical experience working with IT professionals. Placements are a great way to gain hands-on experience and work with experienced cybersecurity professionals.

What job opportunities are there in information technology

For those who want to be IT-related professionals, the most popular career options are software developer, database administrator (network engineer), systems analyst, web designer/developer and help desk support technician. You can also find other IT jobs, like data entry clerks and sales representatives, customer service specialists, programmers, technical writers, graphic artists or office managers.

Most people work in the field once they have graduated from school. You may be offered an internship at a company while studying for your degree. Another option is to apply for a formal apprenticeship. This allows you to gain real-world experience through supervision under your mentorship.

Information Technology is a field with many job opportunities. Not all positions require a Bachelor's Degree, but many require a Postgraduate Qualification. A master's degree in Computer Science (MSc) or Software Engineering (SSE), for example, will give you better qualifications than a bachelor’s degree.

Employers will prefer someone who has had previous experience. If you know anyone who is an IT professional, ask them about the types of jobs they have applied for. Also, check out job boards online to see if any vacancies exist. You can search by location and industry, as well as the type of job, required skills, and salary range.

Try using sites like Monster.com, Simply Hired.com or Career Builder to help you find work. Consider joining professional associations such as the American Society for Training & Development, the Association for Computing Machinery, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, etc.


  • The top five countries providing the most IT professionals are the United States, India, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the UK (itnews.co.uk).
  • The number of IT certifications available on the job market is growing rapidly. According to an analysis conducted by CertifyIT, there were more than 2,000 different IT certifications available in 2017,
  • Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 11% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 531,200 new jobs, with companies looking to fill their ranks with specialists in cloud computing, collating and management of business information, and cybersecurity (bls.gov).
  • The global information technology industry was valued at $4.8 trillion in 2020 and is expected to reach $5.2 trillion in 2021 (comptia.org).
  • The top five companies hiring the most IT professionals are Amazon, Google, IBM, Intel, and Facebook (itnews.co).
  • The top five regions contributing to the growth of IT professionals are North America, Western Europe, APJ, MEA, and Central/Eastern Europe (cee.com).

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How To

How can you become a Cyber Security Expert

Cybersecurity is one area that is growing rapidly. Cybersecurity experts are vital to ensure companies are protected from online threats.

There are two types for cybersecurity professionals:

  1. Penetration testers - A penetration tester uses advanced hacking techniques to identify vulnerabilities within the network infrastructure.
  2. Network administrators - A network administrator configures firewalls, switches and routers to manage networks.

You will need to learn both these areas to become a cybersecurity expert. Here are some tips for becoming a cybersecurity expert:

  1. Understand network architecture and design: The first step towards becoming a cybersecurity expert involves understanding networking basics. Learn about TCP/IP protocols and IP addressing. Also, learn about routing, segmentation, routing, subnetting and encapsulation. Learn about wireless networks, VPNs and cloud computing as well as VoIP, cloud computing and other emerging technologies.
  2. Next, study computer systems. Learn programming languages like C++. Then, learn operating systems such as Linux, Windows Server 2012 R2, Unix, Mac OS X, and iOS. Understanding enterprise software, mobile apps, web-based services, and databases is the final step.
  3. Make your own tools: You now know how to program and use various computer systems. Use these tools to secure and monitor the network and computers within an organization.
  4. You can get certified to be a cybersecurity expert. You can search LinkedIn for organizations that offer certification programs. Some examples include Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CAP), and SANS Institute GIAC.
  5. A portfolio is a collection of projects that demonstrate your technical skills. This will help you find a job at cybersecurity. Freelancers are also possible.
  6. Join industry organizations: By joining industry associations, you can make valuable connections with cybersecurity experts. For example, you can join the Information Systems Audit and Control Association.
  7. Look for opportunities: Finally, search for opportunities within or outside your current company. There are many IT consulting firms and information technology service providers that offer cybersecurity roles.

If you're looking to become a cybersecurity expert, then this post has given you a good start. Good luck!


Network and Computer System Administrators